Rising Tide Capital @ 444 The Art of UNO

444 The Art of UNO will optimize the Human Condition daily @ The Journal Square PATH Station for all of April 2023
444 The Art of UNO will be open to anyone who wishes to interact Tuesday through Sunday for the month of April. Beginning Friday April 7th the exhibition will open with Art, Health. Wellness and Music in abundance.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, the space will focus on Business Development networking and Wealth Creation with Rising Tide Capital bringing knowledge and their valuable Business Development experience to 444 The Art of UNO. So be there to meet like minded people who overstand that the United States of America is about commerce.
Wednesdays will bring a featured visual artist to talk about and display their work. These presentations will be followed by The Flow&Tell OpenMic sessions.
Fridays, and Saturdays, 444 The Art of UNO will bring you live Musical Performance and DJ's who specialize in a particular music genre. Be ready to do your dance.
Sunday's will be all about the Youth as 444 The Art of UNO will showcase and celebrate some of our most talented Young People in live Musical Performance.
During every 444 The Art of UNO event, JUICY CITY will be serving the best cold pressed fresh juice products in Jersey City.

444 The Art of UNO's theme of Business Development and Wealth Creation
Rising Tide Capital will be joining 444 The Art of UNO every Tuesday and Thursday over the course of April to share their abundant knowledge in 4 vital areas of doing business in the United States.
444 The Art of UNO is so fortunate to have Rising Tide Capital supporting the exhibition's Business Development and Wealth Creation theme. Being able to present Rising Tide Capital to share their abundant knowledge in all areas of Business Development and Wealth Creation.
There are absolutely no merits to poverty, especially when The Most High wants you to have abundance. It has taken years for me to get over my fear of becoming a business person. Escaping dependancy seemed a daunting task. I finally came to the realization that I must, first and foremost, be in business.
Rising Tide Capital has been in the business of creating entrepreneurs since 2004, as thousands of business creators have come through their Business Development programs. I am looking forward to learning what it will take to move my business to the next level of success.
Rising Tide Capital, Black Business Development and Wealth Creation
When presented with this opportunity what was most important to me was utilizing the Gallery Space and even more importantly the traffic at the Journal Square PATH Station to benefit as many people as possible.
Bringing Rising Tide Capital to 444 The Art of UNO is a blessing, because their track record in Business Development and minting entrepreneurs into successful business people is unmatched.
Dependency on the U.S government ensures poverty. Being in business is what this country is all about. Self reliance is the cornerstone of the Constitutional Republic known as The United States of America.